A Single Step ...

A Journey Begins with a Single Step ... Sometimes that Step is a HUGE step and other times it's just a Step in Right Direction -- Movin' Forward.

Life can seem so hard at times, don't you agree? I mean one minute we're on top of the world and the next, it seems we've been plunged into the valley. We may not all walk the same path, or take the same steps in life, but we all walk through difficulties and blessings. My hope today is that you will follow along with me as I walk my journey -- a Journey of Faith, Fitness, Fashion, FarmHouse, Fun and Fabulous. A journey that I believe God has lead me to start blogging about -- a journey that may have similar situations and maybe give you a little more insight, a journey where you will feel encouraged and inspired.

I've been writing sporadically and my goal at this point is to try to write more often -- I have set a goal for once a week, but I would honestly like it to be daily (Mon-Fri) or at least every other day. I am writing in my journal again so maybe that will encourage me to share more here, with all of you. The will to write is not usually my downfall, it's finding the time to write -- as a wife, mom to four children (one who is special needs), mamaw to eight beautiful grandchildren along with doing all the accounting, office work for our family business, I also am working diligently to get my own business going again. This is another goal that I have felt led by God to set.

At this time, Prim 'n Purdy will be going through some changes -- design changes, color changes, etc. Please be assured, that I am still here for you with your prayer requests, questions, etc, it's just might be a little like visiting when my house is in despair -- I will still offer you a cup of coffee (or tea!), but there may be dishes in the sink and papers all over the desk (and even a toy or two on the floor, if the grandkids have been over recently)  :)

Follow along with me as I want to encourage and inspire each one of you on your path to a healthier, more fit, heart stronger YOU! As I hope to encourage you to be the woman God designed YOU to be! As you see yourself grow, allowing your inner beauty to be shared with all those around YOU! SPARKLE and SHINE!! Let's Get Started Today ....

Beautiful Blessings,


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