Passions and Dreams ... continued

Passions and Dreams ... As I started journaling, after praying and thinking and then praying some more, what I was MOST passionate about, I realized that (as most of you already know) I love to ENCOURAGE and INSPIRE others. I want to encourage others to READ the BIBLE. Reading the Bible is the best way I know to encourage Christians, long time Christians or even brand new believers, to grow closer to God, grow in their faith and get to know God. What better way to get to know someone than by reading their most intimate Thoughts and Words.

By encouraging others to read the Word of God, it could become one of the single most important things they do after allowing God into their heart. And what better way to learn the Truth --- the Truth that God wants / expects us to know. By reading the Bible and learning God's Truth, a long-time Christian or a brand new believer can discern between what the world wants and what God wants.

I know that finding the time to read the Bible can be difficult --- kids, well no other explanation is really needed, right??! There's always "other" things --- household chores, maybe an outside job, a busy lifestyle. Yes, I used to make all kinds of excuses too UNTIL God started waking me up at 3 am -- SERIOUSLY!! All of sudden I was able to "find" the time in the mornings to read my Bible. After a few months, of reading each and every morning, guess what?? That's right, it had become a habit and God didn't feel the need to wake me up during the night. Finding the time to read your Bible may seem to be difficult, but quite honestly, just set it up as an appointment -- you can schedule everything else from a phone call to a kids soccer practice and so on and so on.

Now that you've found the time to read your Bible, you're probably wondering WHAT you should be reading. And that's a question that I have answered many times over --- how did I get started? And it's an easy one to answer. There are thirty-one chapters in Proverbs, so take one a day. See, told you it was an easy one to answer. On the first of the month, read Proverbs 1; second day of the month, read Proverbs 2 and just continue reading. You can do this for quite a few months and by then, you may want to find a Bible study that interests you -- what do you want to learn from God? Do you want to live a more biblical life? Do you want to learn more about Jesus? His disciples? His Promises?

As you start reading your Bible, you'll find that God guides and leads you. And of course, that may lead you to WANT to CHANGE your LIFE and how you live. Then you'll find yourself wanting to learn MORE about God and what He wants / expects of each one of us. It will become a wonderful circle -- you discover things about God and then you'll want to walk with Him, become a better Christian and make positive changes to your way of living.

Today's THAT day!!! Get your Bible out, download an app, whatever it takes. Start Reading!! Encouraging others to read the Bible also goes hand in hand with my other passions -- which we will discuss in the next couple of days.

Country FarmHouse Blessings,


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