Handmade from the Heart

Look around you the next time you are out shopping...how many gifts/product items can you find that are made with quality? How many of these items are handmade?

As 2010 approached, I kept asking myself, what are consumers REALLY looking for in a product? What did I do? I started asking...the same answer came up over and over again - handmade items. Consumers are looking for quality handmade items that will last and last as opposed to "items that can be purchased just anywhere". As consumers are spending their money more wisely while also looking for a bargain, they want a product that is going to last. Most shoppers will spend a few dollars more to have an item that is going to last as opposed to spending their hard earned money on something that is going to break, fall apart or unravel at the seams after being used for a short time.

Prim 'n Purdy is introducing a Brand New Product Line this year: "Handmade from the Heart". This product line will include a variety of items including winter accessories, fashion accessories, home decor items including samplers, raggedy dolls, bears, gingerbread men and even a few doll accessories - ALL HANDMADE. I have been working on a few items already and hope to introduce them to you as early as this week.

In the meantime, we will also be posting our "Winter Sale" and introducing a few NEW scent choices on our website. Our Winter Sale is going to include handmade lotions, candles and lots and lots of our home decor. I would really like to move this stuff out so I can make room for more "Handmade from the Heart" items.

Country Blessings, Lori


  1. very nice!! I also create home decor and the one thing I pride on is that my creations are Original and different, While also appealing to a primitive audience...I think you are on to something here!


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