
No one ever said Change was easy. Sometimes it's a lot of hard work too. BUT ... 

is undergoing some MAJOR CHANGES. And we all know that I'm not always very good about making changes, but these are God-leading changes ... which are the VERY BEST KIND of CHANGES.

I am working on clarifying my goals --- goals that will meet my vision, my mission, my dreams --- and making sure that those goals are also God-defined. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) * Motto: Making It Happen * Stepping out of the "safe zone" and into the "faith zone" ... Trusting God each and every step of the way!

This above statement was posted on my facebook page not too long ago. And as the saying goes, "Be Careful what you wish (or pray) for". Stepping out of the "safe zone" --- that statement seemed to tell God, "hey God, look she wants you to make her feel very uncomfortable"! NOT! In truth, though, that is what seemed to have happened.

As most of you know, I have been in a waiting period --- that has lasted almost 2 years --- a period of me waiting on God. Waiting on God to lead me in the direction that He wanted me to go. Waiting for something that would give my life a meaning -- a purpose -- again. Guess what??? I found it!!

Here's another facebook excerpt:  It is not my ability but my response to God's ability that counts. ~Corrie Ten Boom ** I am a firm believer in this quote -- I always thought my hearts desire would be something I was really, really good at, something that would use knowledge I already had and just grow it -- nope, not happening! God changed my heart while I was praying for His help. And best of all, I am loving it, this new direction, new path is wonderful. I am still so excited and can't wait to see where God leads me. Definitely gives new meaning to the thought "Impossible means I'm possible" with God's help and guidance.

I do believe that when we are praying --- you know praying for God's guidance on what WE WANT for our life --- it is during that time that God works on changing our heart. Changing our heart to what HE WANTS as our desires of the heart. 

And of course, Prim 'n Purdy has a NEW MOTTO. Although, I am open to change, if God decides that it is needed. Until then, I will walk in this path, work on my new goals and know that no matter what happens, God is loving. God is good. God has the perfect plan for me. God is always in control. God is Great!

Oh, our NEW MOTTO is Prim 'n Purdy. Strong 'n Feminine. Be the Woman God Designed YOU to Be ~ Beautiful from the inside out ~ A Purdy Lady.

Wishing you JOY and BLESSINGS,


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